Fundamental Paper Education is a game adaptation of the animated web series created by Kaaatie, which itself began as a fan music video for The Living Tombstone’s song “Basics in Behavior”. In this eerie educational adventure, players find themselves trapped in a school where the faculty includes teachers with a deadly approach to poor performance. The game’s central antagonist, Miss Circle, along with her fellow teachers, turns the school into a perilous maze. Players take on the roles of students who must navigate this treacherous environment, completing academic tasks to advance while avoiding fatal repercussions from their teachers.
The game leverages a stark, paper cut-out art style that mimics the web series, creating a distinctively stark and unsettling atmosphere that enhances the horror elements. Each level of the game is designed to represent a different classroom or school area, each hosted by a different homicidal teacher with their own terrifying tactics. As players progress, the academic challenges grow more difficult, and the teachers become more aggressive, pushing players to think quickly and strategically. The blend of horror and education in “Fundamental Paper Education” offers a thrilling twist on the survival genre, where knowledge truly is the key to survival.