Unbothered is a short first-person narrative game that explores themes of apathy and cosmic horror through everyday actions. Set against the backdrop of an impending apocalypse, players engage in simple yet expressive activities such as drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, and observing the world around them. The minimalist interactions and atmospheric storytelling create an experience that captures a sense of detachment and quiet reflection amidst chaos.
The game presents an environment where players are free to engage with their surroundings at their own pace. With a limited set of actions, such as spitting on the ground or consuming a drink, every interaction becomes a subtle way to explore the protagonist’s perspective. The world is designed to feel immersive, with carefully placed details that hint at larger themes lurking beneath the surface, blending humor with an underlying sense of unease.
Unbothered delivers its narrative within a concise 15-minute playtime, making it an accessible yet thought-provoking experience. Despite its brief duration, the game leaves a lasting impression by balancing dark humor with existential undertones. Created during a short development period, Unbothered demonstrates how simple mechanics and an intriguing setting can come together to create an engaging and unconventional storytelling experience.