Set in the aftermath of the “Elevator Ending” from its predecessor, Ruin 2: Mimic Adventures plunges players into the escape efforts of the Mimic from the depths of the Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex. Players will navigate the debris-laden expanses of the Pizzaplex, revisiting well-known locations with fresh challenges and perspectives. The game promises a blend of platforming action and confrontation with familiar antagonists amidst the ruins, adding layers of intensity to the Mimic’s quest for freedom.
Assuming the role of the Mimic, players are treated to an engaging campaign complete with dynamic boss battles and cinematic interludes. Alongside the main narrative, the game offers hidden secrets and humorous elements, although the latter’s appeal may vary by player. Numerous cultural references enrich the experience, bordering on homage rather than imitation. Ruin 2 also features an extensive soundtrack with over two hours of original music, enhancing the overall atmosphere. Additionally, players can engage with GameSpeak technology and discover 119 unique Seals throughout their adventure.