
Miss Circle Basics in Behavior


In Basics in Behavior, players enter the eerie halls of Paper School where Miss Circle, the unnervingly tall math teacher with a compass for an arm, rules with an iron fist. Known for her intolerance of failure, she targets students who fall short in her class. This game offers players a unique blend of suspense and strategy as they navigate through her math classes, attempting to solve problems under the pressure of her watchful and menacing presence.

Tackle the Challenges of Math and Survival

Gameplay in Basics in Behavior combines elements of strategy with quick-thinking challenges. Players must solve math problems presented by Miss Circle while simultaneously managing their character’s stress and fear levels. Failure to solve problems correctly or quickly enough triggers Miss Circle’s wrath, initiating intense chase sequences. These moments require players to make split-second decisions to evade her, using the school’s layout to their advantage, adding a thrilling layer to the educational challenges.

Uncover the Secrets of Paper School

As players delve deeper into the game, they uncover more about Miss Circle’s mysterious background and the dark secrets of Paper School. Interactions with other characters, hidden notes, and subtle clues scattered throughout the school provide insights into Miss Circle’s fears and the reasons behind her harsh demeanor. The game gradually reveals a complex web of relationships and histories that add a rich narrative depth, enhancing the overall experience and engaging players on multiple levels.

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