


Hapunan presents a suspenseful narrative set against the backdrop of Filipino culture, blending traditional elements with psychological horror. Players take on the role of Niko, a dedicated balut vendor whose quest for a simple business permit spirals into a dangerous web of corruption and hidden secrets. As Niko delves deeper into the dark underbelly of his town, the once-familiar streets take on a sinister tone, forcing him to confront both supernatural and human threats.

Unraveling Secrets and Facing Danger

The game combines exploration, investigation, and decision-making, requiring players to uncover clues and make choices that impact Niko’s fate. Each location offers hidden details that reveal the town’s unsettling past and the true nature of those in power. As tension builds, players must navigate through tense situations, solve environmental puzzles, and use stealth to avoid danger. The immersive atmosphere is heightened by Filipino-inspired settings, music, and folklore elements woven into the story.

A Compact but Gripping Adventure

With an estimated playtime of 30-40 minutes, Hapunan delivers an engaging experience that balances storytelling with gameplay mechanics. The intuitive controls allow players to explore, interact, and survive within the game’s world while maintaining focus on the unfolding mystery. Whether investigating suspicious locations or making crucial decisions to protect loved ones, Hapunan provides a uniquely cultural and suspenseful horror experience.

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