Glitched Out unfolds the gripping tale of Lex, an IT engineer trapped in a high-security research facility after a devastating malware attack. The breach has caused the facility’s most dangerous occupants—alien entities previously held under strict containment—to roam free. Now, Lex must navigate through the eerie, overrun corridors of the facility with the help of her AI companion, Chip. Together, they must outsmart both the sentient malware and the creatures it has unleashed, using every resource at their disposal to crack codes, unlock doors, and piece together the puzzle of the facility’s compromised security.
As the chaos unfolds, Lex finds herself in a deadly game of cat and mouse, using her tech expertise and quick thinking to stay one step ahead of the monstrous entities. The game mixes horror with high-tech espionage, as players use a variety of gadgets and tools to manipulate their environment and fend off the alien threats.
Glitched Out introduces players to a unique gameplay mechanic through the ‘Portable Glitch Fixer,’ a device that allows Lex to interact with the facility’s systems in real-time. Players engage in a series of challenging mini-games that require them to fix corrupted systems and restore order to chaos. Assisted by the AI, Chip, players will feel the tension of real-time problem-solving under pressure. The game’s episodic nature unfolds the narrative in a structured pace, with each chapter adding layers to the overarching mystery and deepening the player’s engagement with the story.