FPE is a gripping game adaptation of the animated web series Fundamental Paper Education created by YouTuber Kaaatie. The series, known for its horrifying blend of education and survival, follows the terrifying encounters of school students with their killer teachers, particularly the formidable Miss Circle. In the game, players navigate through the ominous Paper School, where academic performance can be a matter of life and death. Miss Circle, with her sharp features and deadly compass arm, becomes a central figure in this haunting adventure.
Players take on the roles of students like Claire and Engel, trying to survive the deadly lessons taught by Miss Circle. Each academic task completed incorrectly or too slowly increases the danger of attracting Miss Circle’s lethal attention. The game intensifies as players must use strategy and stealth to evade her and other murderous teachers like Miss Thavel and Miss Bloomie, making for a heart-racing educational experience.
As players progress through FPE, they can explore deeper into the lore of Paper School and its terrifying faculty. The game incorporates elements from the series’ viral premiere episode, including detailed backstories and motives of characters like Miss Circle. Players can discover hidden notes, engage with other students, and piece together the reasons behind the school’s disturbing curriculum. This exploration enriches the gameplay and connects players to a wider narrative, making each decision and discovery a crucial step towards understanding—and surviving—the horrors of Paper School.