The first installment of the episodic game series presents a narrative where players step into the shoes of Miles, a 14-year-old boy whose parents are away, leaving him to manage on his own. Set over the course of a single night, the episode captures the escalating tension as Miles faces unexpected and harrowing situations. Players’ decisions directly influence the outcome of the story, determining whether Miles can navigate the challenges and survive until morning.
The game stands out for its atmospheric setup, bolstered by photo-realistic graphics that pull players deeper into its unsettling world. It features a distinctive VHS film aesthetic, giving it a vintage horror movie feel that enhances the overall spooky ambiance. Interactive elements include real-time text messages from NPCs, which serve both to advance the plot and guide players through the night’s challenges. The inclusion of player voice activity adds an innovative layer, making the player’s vocal responses part of the gameplay and further immersing them in the unfolding drama.