
Cursed to Golf


In the inventive realm of Cursed to Golf, you find yourself inhabiting the role of a golfer who, through a bizarre mishap, is plunged into Golf Purgatory at a pivotal moment—right before securing a tournament-winning putt. This bizarre twist of fate has you navigating the treacherous courses of an otherworldly golfing realm, where escape to the living world (and your much-desired tournament trophy) hinges on conquering these devious landscapes. Guiding you through these challenges are the phantoms of Legendary Caddies, imparting age-old golfing lore to aid your journey back to life and victory.

A Test of Skill and Spirit

This game reimagines golf through a roguelike lens, demanding precision and strategic foresight with each swing. The objective is clear: sink the ball within the par limit, or face being whisked back to the course’s outset. Far from ordinary, these courses brim with chaotic elements such as whirlwind fans, menacing spikes, and explosive traps that add a layer of unpredictability to every round. The game morphs traditional golf into a frantic, hazard-filled escapade where anything can happen, and every hole offers a new, thrilling challenge.

Harnessing the Haunted Links

Amidst the curse of perpetual golfing in this spectral setting, players can find several advantages to leverage. The Bird’s Eye feature allows a comprehensive view of the course, enabling strategic planning. If your shots exceed par, there’s hope yet; golden and silver golf idols dotted across the landscape can be shattered to regain lost strokes. Moreover, utilizing special abilities like the Split Ball, U-turn, Rocket Ball, and Second Chance—more than 20 unique skills in total—provides a chance to manipulate the course’s outcome. These tools are crucial for those looking to navigate the cursed courses successfully, making each play an intense battle of wits and precision.

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