In Beneath The Blobs, players assume the role of a newly hired researcher tasked with conducting experiments on mysterious blobs in a secret underground laboratory. At first, the job seems straightforward as you manipulate different blobs and observe their behaviors. However, as the experiments progress, the simplicity of the task gives way to a more complex and unsettling reality.
As you delve deeper into the depths of the facility, the initial excitement of scientific discovery turns into apprehension. The once reassuring guidance from the facility’s automated voice system begins to seem dubious, and questions about the true nature of the blobs and the purpose of the experiments start to surface. Doubts creep in, and your straightforward mission becomes a puzzle filled with intrigue and uncertainty.
The further you explore Beneath The Blobs, the more the line between conducting research and being part of an experiment blurs. The blobs may not be the only subjects under observation. Tension mounts as you are forced to make decisions that will either lead you closer to the truth or help you find a way out of the facility. Each choice could be crucial in determining whether you uncover the facility’s secrets or if you’ll ever see the light of day again.