Bad Parenting Funk is a narrative-driven horror game that explores themes of familial bonds, guilt, and unresolved trauma through unsettling visuals and immersive storytelling. The game centers around Mr. Red Face, a spectral embodiment of parental failures and haunting memories, introduced as part of a cautionary bedtime story gone wrong. Through the eyes of a young boy navigating an eerie and surreal world, players unravel a tale of mystery, heartbreak, and a search for closure.
The game begins with a mother attempting to console her son after forgetting his birthday by recounting a bedtime story about Mr. Red Face, a shadowy figure who leaves behind ominous gifts for children. As night falls, the boy is drawn into a series of eerie events, starting with the appearance of a grotesque doll that seems to come alive. This doll serves as a guide and antagonist, revealing cryptic information about the boy’s missing father and leading him to question what really happened. The narrative deepens as the boy discovers a portal in his wardrobe that leads to a spectral world inhabited by other children and the remnants of their fractured families.
Players explore haunting environments filled with puzzles and hidden clues that gradually unveil the dark truths about Mr. Red Face and the boy’s father, Bruce. The gameplay seamlessly weaves exploration with narrative, challenging players to piece together fragmented memories and confront both real-world and supernatural fears. Interactions with other children in this otherworldly realm add layers of emotional complexity, as each character reflects a unique story of familial loss and unresolved grief. The game’s climax brings the boy face-to-face with his father, trapped in a state of torment, offering players a poignant moment of reckoning that underscores the emotional weight of the story.