Akai Onna is a psychological horror game set in Japan, deeply rooted in the genre of J-horror. In this game, players take on the role of a student who encounters a mysterious woman in red on his way home one late evening. Following this eerie meeting, he becomes plagued by the unsettling feeling of being watched, marking the beginning of a series of disturbing events. The gameplay unfolds mainly through a first-person perspective, emphasizing exploration and atmosphere over action. As players navigate through dimly lit streets and haunting settings, they must piece together clues and confront terrifying manifestations inspired by Japanese urban legends.
The game leverages traditional J-horror elements to build a tense atmosphere, enhanced by VHS visual effects that players can toggle on or off to suit their preference for a more authentic or modern visual experience. As the narrative progresses, players delve deeper into the lore surrounding the woman in red and face choices that influence the story’s outcome, leading to one of two possible endings. This structure encourages multiple playthroughs to explore the different paths and unravel all aspects of the haunting tale. Akai Onna’s use of psychological tension and its rich backdrop of folklore make it a compelling experience for fans of horror and supernatural stories.